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Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Vacation Week 1

Hello!  I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vaction.  Week 1 of summer vacation was packed with fun!  The Sunday after school was out, my husband and I took off for Scottsdale, AZ.  My husband had a business conference at the Hyatt Regancy Resort and Spa.  What a place!  While my husband was busy with his conference, I was able to work-out, soak up some sun, shop, and get a pedicure.  In the evenings, it was nice to spend time listening to music at the outdoor restaurant.  Feeding the wildlife was not recommended - even though the mama duck tried to eat my husband!  It was so relaxing and nice to get away for a few days.  The scenery was breath-taking as well. 

Once we got back home, we hit the ground running!  In May, my husband and I decided to plant a vegetable garden at a local Parker community garden.  However, for the past month our garden was watered, but not weeded.  On Saturday we had a project - a lot of weeding needed to be done!  Many hours later, the garden was weeded and many more vegetables where finally planted.  Cross your fingers and hope our sweet corn, beans, peas, lettuce, spinach, romaine, carrots, potatoes, peppers, jalapenos, mini-pumpkins, and cucumbers all make it.  This is our first attempt at gardening!  I just need to finish planting some marigolds around the garden.  On Sunday, we bought all the soil and flowers needed to beautify the outside of our home.  So many hours of planting, but so worth it!

Besides some gym time, watering the garden, and watering the flowers I wonder what else week 2 of summer vacation will bring?!  I hope you are all enjoying your summer vacation!

P.S.  I even managed to spend a few minutes at school this week watering my plants and looking at all the work ahead of me to get the new classroom ready for kids!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Mrs.Deba it is jillian. Your carrots are so big. In my family's garden we just picked carrots they are baby ones, really small but they are good. You are going to have a lot of comments from kids and stuff also how are aspen and thunder and princess poopie pants? Well goodnight and sleep good.
