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Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Vacation Week 2

Week 2 of summer vacation I was able to slow down a bit and even got a nap in one day!  I did spend some more time planting and weeding at our garden.  On Monday, I planted the marigolds around the perimeter of the garden.  Our garden really took off this week as well.  My husband and I notice a change every day when we go and water.  We are complete rookies when it comes to gardening so it has been so exciting to watch all of our vegetables grow!  In the pictures you will notice all the standing water at our garden - it's called flood irrigation.  We were told we cannot over water our garden and so far so good!  Now it's keeping those pesky weeds away, fertilizing (all organic), and making sure it gets plenty of water.

I also did some work on our yard at home.  I planted a few shasta daisy seeds so hopefully they will grow in our perennial garden area, the annuals I planted last week are looking great, and the lawn got mowed/trimmed - I love mowing the lawn!  However, with all this rain I'll be needing to mow it again tomorrow!  The dogs have enjoyed all their time outside with me as well.

I spent some more time at school this week as well.  There really is a lot to do to get a new classroom ready for kids.  I did a few things at home to get ready for the start of a new school year as well.  The book boxes that the kiddos and I use for guided reading groups all needed a good wash so, 5 dishwasher loads later they were all washed and ready to go back to school.  The curtains got washed as well.  One day this week, I will take all the book boxes and curtains back to school and water my plants again.  I'll probably need to order a few things for the new school year this week or next as well.  There's always something to do!   

Week 2 was capped off with a trip to Casa Bonita.  Not my favorite place, but our niece turned 8 and loves it there.  She had her party in the theater and she was able to go on stage with the magician.  That was a lot of fun for her and she was grinning from ear to ear!

Week 3 I'll be busy too.  Time to clean up the house a bit, wash the dogs, mow/trim the lawn, and head to Wisconsin to spend time with my family and go to Country USA to see Rascal Flatts.  I'm sure I'll have some fun pics from my adventures in Wisconsin.  I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer too!      

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